김대영 사진
건축 시공 및 사회경제성 타당성·영향 평가
건설관 808호

축 시공 및 관리 연구실 바로가기



학사 : 2003년 부산대학교 건축공학 학사

석사 : 2006년 Univ. of Texas at Austin (미국) 건설관리 공학석사

박사 : 2011년 Univ. of Texas at Austin (미국) 건설관리 공학박사


2013. 03 ~ 2017. 02 동의대학교 조교수

2012. 01 ~ 2013. 01 Center for Transportation Research (Austin, USA) 포닥연구원, 연구 기획 및 프로젝트 수행

2010. 01 ~ 2011. 05 Univ. of Texas at Austin 강의조교, 강의준비 및 수업지원

2008. 04 ~ 2009. 05 Texas Governor's Division of Emergency Management 컨설턴트, 사업개발프로젝트 기술지원 및 고문

2006. 09 ~ 2012. 12 Univ. of Texas at Austin 연구조교, 연구 프로젝트 수행

2005. 06 ~ 2005. 07 Univ. of Texas at Austin 강의조교, 강의준비 및 수업지원

2003. 01 ~ 2004. 05 현대건설 현장 관리 및 감독


2016 한국건축시공학회, 우수 논문상

2015 한국건축시공학회, 우수 학술상

2015 한국건설관리학회 영남지회, 건설벤처창업 경진대회 대상

2015 Who's Who in the World, Marquis Who's Who in the World 2015 (32nd Edition) - 세계인명사전 (마르퀴스 후즈앤후) 등재

2012 Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA) - Austin Chapter, Outstanding Research Award

2012 Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA), UKC 2012 Travel Grant Award

2012 The University of Texas at Austin, Postdoctoral Fellowship

2012 Korean-American Construction Engineering & Project Management Association, KACEPMA Travel Grant Award

2010 The University of Texas at Austin, Richard and Shirley Tucker Endowed Scholarship

2010 The University of Texas at Austin, Kolodzey Grant Award

2010 Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA), UKC 2010 Travel Grant Award

2009 The University of Texas at Austin, Richard and Shirley Tucker Endowed Scholarship

2006 ~ 2011 The University of Texas at Austin, Graduate Research Assistantship

2004 ~ 2006 한국연구재단, Graduate Study Abroad Fellowship Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF)

2003 부산대학교, Magna Cum Laude (우등졸업)


2016. 02 ~ 현재 한국주거환경학회 정회원

2014. 10 ~ 현재 대한건축학회 종신회원

2014. 03 ~ 현재 한국산업정보학회 정회원

2013. 10 ~ 현재 한국건축시공학회 종신회원

2013. 04 ~ 현재 한국건설관리학회 종신회원

2013. 04 ~ 현재 대한토목학회 정회원

2011. 01 ~ 현재 재미과학자협회 정회원

2012. 01 ~ 현재 재미토목학회 정회원

2012. 01 ~ 현재 재미건설관리학회 정회원


2016. 07 ~ 2018. 06 부산광역시, 건설기술심의위원

2015. 11 ~ 현재 한국산업인력공단, 출제위원

2015. 12 ~ 2016. 12 부산광역시 기장군, 건축위원회위원

2015. 07 ~ 2017. 07 김해시도시개발공사, 기술자문위원

2015. 05 ~ 2018. 04 한국산업단지공단, 건설자문평가심사위원

2015. 04 ~ 2017. 03 농어촌공사, 최저가 심의위원

2015. 01 ~ 2017. 12 대법원, 법원전문심리위원

2015. 01 ~ 2016. 12 부산광역시 기장군, 분양가심의위원

2014. 09 ~ 2016. 08 부산도시공사, 건설기술자문위원

2014. 09 ~ 2016. 08 부산지방해양항만청, 건설기술자문위원

2014. 07 ~ 2016. 06 부산광역시, 건설기술심의위원

국제전문학술지 게재논문

2016. 02 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Assessment of TxDOT Staffing Needs for Construction Inspection in Texas

2015. 12 Journal of Transportation Engineering, A Methodology to Improve the AASHTO Subgrade Resilient Modulus(MR) Equation for the Network-Level Use

2015. 05 Journal of Management in Engineering, Stringing Construction Planning and Execution Tasks Together for Effective Project Management

2015. 03 Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, Accident Risk Identification, Impact Analyses and Mitigation for Strategic Construction Safety Management

2014. 05 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Comparative Simulation Analysis of Pavement Technology for a Decision Support System in the U.S. Road Renewal Industry

2014. 05 Journal of Management in Engineering, Assessing the Direct Employment Impact of Federal Economic Stimulus Funds on Construction Projects in Texas

2013. 11 Transportation Research Records, Improved Method to Evaluating the Pavement Structural Number Using FWD Deflections

2013. 07 Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The Relationship between Unsafe Working Conditions and Workers’ Behavior
and Their Impacts on Injury Severity in the U.S.

2009. 04 Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, A Methodology for the Identification and Tracking of Construction Resources Based on Spatial Modeling and Image Matching Algorithms

Under Review, Architectural Science Review, Assuring Environmental Externalities: Ecological Valuation and Alternatives Evaluation

Under Review, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Multivariate Discriminant Analysis for Assessing Residential Development Projects from the Contractor’s Perspective

Submitted in 2015, Natural Hazard Review, Identifying Risk Indicators for Building Damages from Typhoon in South Korea

In Prep. Journal of Management in Engineering, Quantitative Modeling of the Relationship between Electrical Project Characteristics, Pre-Construction Planning, Project Execution, and Project Performance

In Prep. The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, Logistic Regression Model for Prioritizing Network-Level Project Sections

국내전문학술지 게재논문

2016. 03 한국주거환경학회논문집, 건설회사의 규모에 따른 공동주택 마감공사 작업저해 요인 분석에 관한 연구

2016. 01 Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea, AHP와 로지스틱 회귀분석을 이용한 공동주택개발사업 참여의사결정 모델 및 영향요인 분석

2015. 12 Journal of the Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems, LCC Analysis to Determine an Appropriate Apartment Rent Rate for HVAC System Renovation Projects

2015. 12 Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction, Causes of Schedule Delays in Building Construction Projects in Vanuatu

2015. 08 ournal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction, An Ordinary Management for Updating Construction Equipment Prices in the Poom-Same Based on the Standard Market Price

2014. 06 Journal of the Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems, Ensuring Economic Benefits of Mitigation Projects for Improving the Image of Construction Industry


2015. 06 Proceeding of the 5th International/11th Construction Specialty Conference, Measuring High-Level Project Productivity for Alberta Capital Projects

2015. 01 The 2015 International Conference on Management Engineering and Computer Application, Impact of Pre-Construction Planning and Project Execution on Performance Considering Electrical Project Characteristics

2014. 01 Proceeding of the 2014 International Industrial Information Systems, Improving the Image of Construction Industry in Selecting Mitigation Capital Projects

2013. 01 Transportation Research Board 2013, Improved Method to Evaluating the Pavement Structural Number Using FWD Deflections

2013. 01 Transportation Research Board 2013, A Logistic Regression Model to Select and Prioritize Network-Level Project Sections for Sustainable Pavement Management in Texas

2012. 08 US-Korean Conference (UKC) on Science Technology, and Entrepreneurship, Selecting and Prioritizing Projects for Effectvie Pavement Management

2010. 08 US-Korean Conference (UKC) on Science Technology, and Entrepreneurship, Evaluation of Pavement Strategies by Economic and Non-Economic Considerations

2007. 07 Proceeding of the 2007 ASCE computing in Civil Engineering, x-x-x-x-x-object Identification Based on 3D Spatial Models on Construction Sites


2015. 10 KSCE 2015년 정기학술대회, TACT 공정관리의 개선을 위한 주요요인 분석에 관한 연구

2015. 05 2015년 한국건축시공학회 춘계학술발표대회, 단열 리모델링 공사의 경제성 평가에 관한 연구

2015. 05 2015년 한국건축시공학회 춘계학술발표대회, 집합건물의 담보책임 존속기간 변경에 따른 대응 방안

2014. 11 2014년 한국건축시공학회 추계학술발표대회, 시가표준액을 활용한 건설공사표준품셈 건설기계가격 상시관리 방안


2016. 05 ~ 2016. 12 동의대학교, 2016 연구진흥과제

2015. 11 ~ 2016. 11 중소기업청, 화재확산 방지를 위한 벽면녹화용 내화소재 개발 연구

2015. 06 ~ 2016. 01 동의대학교, 프로젝트 특성별 생산성 향상을 위한 주요요인 분석

2015. 05 ~ 2015. 12 동의대학교, 2015 연구진흥과제

2014. 11 ~ 2017. 04 한국연구재단, 설비공사 특성을 고려한 계획 및 시공단계의 업무 표준화 및 평가 모델

2013. 05 ~ 2014. 02 동의대학교, Ensuring Economic Benefits of Mitigation Project


2016. 04 ~ 2016. 08 한국수출입은행, 스리랑카 공무원주택 건설사업 및 함반토타 행정단지 건설사업 사후 평가

2016. 03 ~ 2016. 09 노동부(산업안전보건공단), 건설공사 적정공기 판단기준에 관한 연구

2015. 12 ~ 2016. 03 교육부, 학교 내 안전시설 매뉴얼 개발

2015. 06 ~ 2015. 12 한국건설기술연구원, 건설기계가격 산정기준 등 표준품셈 제/개정

2014. 07 ~ 2014. 12 한국건설기술연구원, 건설기계가격 산정기준 등 표준품셈 제/개정



2014. 12 한국건설기술연구원, 건설기계가격 산정기준 등 표준품셈 제/개정

2012. 10 Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), RTI Special Studies for TxDOT Adminstration in FY 2002-Task 14: Development of a Spreadsheet Based Model of S101 Staffing Needs

2012. 10 Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), RTI Special Studies for TxDOT Adminstration in FY 2002-Task 13: Assessment of Durations and Staffing Needs for Environmental Approvals

2012. 10 FHWA/TxDOT RTI Special Studies for TxDOT Adminstration in FY 2012

2007. 11 Caterpillar Inc., Framing Caterpillar's Strategic Direction for Improving Productivity in the Road Renewal Industry



2015. 05 기문당, 건축시공전서 - 건축시공관리

건축 시공 및 사회경제성 타당성·영향 평가 연구실 바로가기


학사 : 2003년 부산대학교 건축공학 학사

석사 : 2006년 Univ. of Texas at Austin (미국) 건설관리 공학석사

박사 : 2011년 Univ. of Texas at Austin (미국) 건설관리 공학박사


2013. 03 ~ 2017. 02 동의대학교 조교수

2012. 01 ~ 2013. 01 Center for Transportation Research (Austin, USA) 포닥연구원, 연구 기획 및 프로젝트 수행

2010. 01 ~ 2011. 05 Univ. of Texas at Austin 강의조교, 강의준비 및 수업지원

2008. 04 ~ 2009. 05 Texas Governor's Division of Emergency Management 컨설턴트, 사업개발프로젝트 기술지원 및 고문

2006. 09 ~ 2012. 12 Univ. of Texas at Austin 연구조교, 연구 프로젝트 수행

2005. 06 ~ 2005. 07 Univ. of Texas at Austin 강의조교, 강의준비 및 수업지원

2003. 01 ~ 2004. 05 현대건설 현장 관리 및 감독


2016 한국건축시공학회, 우수 논문상

2015 한국건축시공학회, 우수 학술상

2015 한국건설관리학회 영남지회, 건설벤처창업 경진대회 대상

2015 Who's Who in the World, Marquis Who's Who in the World 2015 (32nd Edition) - 세계인명사전 (마르퀴스 후즈앤후) 등재

2012 Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA) - Austin Chapter, Outstanding Research Award

2012 Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA), UKC 2012 Travel Grant Award

2012 The University of Texas at Austin, Postdoctoral Fellowship

2012 Korean-American Construction Engineering & Project Management Association, KACEPMA Travel Grant Award

2010 The University of Texas at Austin, Richard and Shirley Tucker Endowed Scholarship

2010 The University of Texas at Austin, Kolodzey Grant Award

2010 Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA), UKC 2010 Travel Grant Award

2009 The University of Texas at Austin, Richard and Shirley Tucker Endowed Scholarship

2006 ~ 2011 The University of Texas at Austin, Graduate Research Assistantship

2004 ~ 2006 한국연구재단, Graduate Study Abroad Fellowship Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF)

2003 부산대학교, Magna Cum Laude (우등졸업)


2016. 02 ~ 현재 한국주거환경학회 정회원

2014. 10 ~ 현재 대한건축학회 종신회원

2014. 03 ~ 현재 한국산업정보학회 정회원

2013. 10 ~ 현재 한국건축시공학회 종신회원

2013. 04 ~ 현재 한국건설관리학회 종신회원

2013. 04 ~ 현재 대한토목학회 정회원

2011. 01 ~ 현재 재미과학자협회 정회원

2012. 01 ~ 현재 재미토목학회 정회원

2012. 01 ~ 현재 재미건설관리학회 정회원


2016. 07 ~ 2018. 06 부산광역시, 건설기술심의위원

2015. 11 ~ 현재 한국산업인력공단, 출제위원

2015. 12 ~ 2016. 12 부산광역시 기장군, 건축위원회위원

2015. 07 ~ 2017. 07 김해시도시개발공사, 기술자문위원

2015. 05 ~ 2018. 04 한국산업단지공단, 건설자문평가심사위원

2015. 04 ~ 2017. 03 농어촌공사, 최저가 심의위원

2015. 01 ~ 2017. 12 대법원, 법원전문심리위원

2015. 01 ~ 2016. 12 부산광역시 기장군, 분양가심의위원

2014. 09 ~ 2016. 08 부산도시공사, 건설기술자문위원

2014. 09 ~ 2016. 08 부산지방해양항만청, 건설기술자문위원

2014. 07 ~ 2016. 06 부산광역시, 건설기술심의위원

국제전문학술지 게재논문

2016. 02 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Assessment of TxDOT Staffing Needs for Construction Inspection in Texas

2015. 12 Journal of Transportation Engineering, A Methodology to Improve the AASHTO Subgrade Resilient Modulus(MR) Equation for the Network-Level Use

2015. 05 Journal of Management in Engineering, Stringing Construction Planning and Execution Tasks Together for Effective Project Management

2015. 03 Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, Accident Risk Identification, Impact Analyses and Mitigation for Strategic Construction Safety Management

2014. 05 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Comparative Simulation Analysis of Pavement Technology for a Decision Support System in the U.S. Road Renewal Industry

2014. 05 Journal of Management in Engineering, Assessing the Direct Employment Impact of Federal Economic Stimulus Funds on Construction Projects in Texas

2013. 11 Transportation Research Records, Improved Method to Evaluating the Pavement Structural Number Using FWD Deflections

2013. 07 Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, The Relationship between Unsafe Working Conditions and Workers’ Behavior

and Their Impacts on Injury Severity in the U.S.

2009. 04 Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, A Methodology for the Identification and Tracking of Construction Resources Based on Spatial Modeling and Image Matching Algorithms

Under Review, Architectural Science Review, Assuring Environmental Externalities: Ecological Valuation and Alternatives Evaluation

Under Review, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Multivariate Discriminant Analysis for Assessing Residential Development Projects from the Contractor’s Perspective

Submitted in 2015, Natural Hazard Review, Identifying Risk Indicators for Building Damages from Typhoon in South Korea

In Prep. Journal of Management in Engineering, Quantitative Modeling of the Relationship between Electrical Project Characteristics, Pre-Construction Planning, Project Execution, and Project Performance

In Prep. The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, Logistic Regression Model for Prioritizing Network-Level Project Sections

국내전문학술지 게재논문

2016. 03 한국주거환경학회논문집, 건설회사의 규모에 따른 공동주택 마감공사 작업저해 요인 분석에 관한 연구

2016. 01 Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea, AHP와 로지스틱 회귀분석을 이용한 공동주택개발사업 참여의사결정 모델 및 영향요인 분석

2015. 12 Journal of the Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems, LCC Analysis to Determine an Appropriate Apartment Rent Rate for HVAC System Renovation Projects

2015. 12 Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction, Causes of Schedule Delays in Building Construction Projects in Vanuatu

2015. 08 ournal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction, An Ordinary Management for Updating Construction Equipment Prices in the Poom-Same Based on the Standard Market Price

2014. 06 Journal of the Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems, Ensuring Economic Benefits of Mitigation Projects for Improving the Image of Construction Industry


2015. 06 Proceeding of the 5th International/11th Construction Specialty Conference, Measuring High-Level Project Productivity for Alberta Capital Projects

2015. 01 The 2015 International Conference on Management Engineering and Computer Application, Impact of Pre-Construction Planning and Project Execution on Performance Considering Electrical Project Characteristics

2014. 01 Proceeding of the 2014 International Industrial Information Systems, Improving the Image of Construction Industry in Selecting Mitigation Capital Projects

2013. 01 Transportation Research Board 2013, Improved Method to Evaluating the Pavement Structural Number Using FWD Deflections

2013. 01 Transportation Research Board 2013, A Logistic Regression Model to Select and Prioritize Network-Level Project Sections for Sustainable Pavement Management in Texas

2012. 08 US-Korean Conference (UKC) on Science Technology, and Entrepreneurship, Selecting and Prioritizing Projects for Effectvie Pavement Management

2010. 08 US-Korean Conference (UKC) on Science Technology, and Entrepreneurship, Evaluation of Pavement Strategies by Economic and Non-Economic Considerations

2007. 07 Proceeding of the 2007 ASCE computing in Civil Engineering, Object Identification Based on 3D Spatial Models on Construction Sites


2015. 10 KSCE 2015년 정기학술대회, TACT 공정관리의 개선을 위한 주요요인 분석에 관한 연구

2015. 05 2015년 한국건축시공학회 춘계학술발표대회, 단열 리모델링 공사의 경제성 평가에 관한 연구

2015. 05 2015년 한국건축시공학회 춘계학술발표대회, 집합건물의 담보책임 존속기간 변경에 따른 대응 방안

2014. 11 2014년 한국건축시공학회 추계학술발표대회, 시가표준액을 활용한 건설공사표준품셈 건설기계가격 상시관리 방안


2016. 05 ~ 2016. 12 동의대학교, 2016 연구진흥과제

2015. 11 ~ 2016. 11 중소기업청, 화재확산 방지를 위한 벽면녹화용 내화소재 개발 연구

2015. 06 ~ 2016. 01 동의대학교, 프로젝트 특성별 생산성 향상을 위한 주요요인 분석

2015. 05 ~ 2015. 12 동의대학교, 2015 연구진흥과제

2014. 11 ~ 2017. 04 한국연구재단, 설비공사 특성을 고려한 계획 및 시공단계의 업무 표준화 및 평가 모델

2013. 05 ~ 2014. 02 동의대학교, Ensuring Economic Benefits of Mitigation Project


2016. 04 ~ 2016. 08 한국수출입은행, 스리랑카 공무원주택 건설사업 및 함반토타 행정단지 건설사업 사후 평가

2016. 03 ~ 2016. 09 노동부(산업안전보건공단), 건설공사 적정공기 판단기준에 관한 연구

2015. 12 ~ 2016. 03 교육부, 학교 내 안전시설 매뉴얼 개발

2015. 06 ~ 2015. 12 한국건설기술연구원, 건설기계가격 산정기준 등 표준품셈 제/개정

2014. 07 ~ 2014. 12 한국건설기술연구원, 건설기계가격 산정기준 등 표준품셈 제/개정


2014. 12 한국건설기술연구원, 건설기계가격 산정기준 등 표준품셈 제/개정

2012. 10 Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), RTI Special Studies for TxDOT Adminstration in FY 2002-Task 14: Development of a Spreadsheet Based Model of S101 Staffing Needs

2012. 10 Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), RTI Special Studies for TxDOT Adminstration in FY 2002-Task 13: Assessment of Durations and Staffing Needs for Environmental Approvals

2012. 10 FHWA/TxDOT RTI Special Studies for TxDOT Adminstration in FY 2012

2007. 11 Caterpillar Inc., Framing Caterpillar's Strategic Direction for Improving Productivity in the Road Renewal Industry


2015. 05 기문당, 건축시공전서 - 건축시공관리

